Basic Settings

Basic Settings in your site's admin panel are the foundational elements that define your website’s identity and operational behavior. Here’s what you can customize:

Site Title

The title of your site, which often appears in the browser's title bar and as the default name when bookmarked. It should be clear and reflective of your brand or the site’s purpose.

Site Tag Line

A short and striking phrase located near your site title that summarizes your brand's mission or the spirit of your site. It can boost your brand recall among users.

This section allows you to personalize the copyright notice at the footer of your site. Utilizing placeholders like {copy} and {year} automatically updates with your company's name and the current year.

Select Timezone

Setting your local timezone ensures that any time and date references on your site, such as post publish dates or timestamps, are accurate for your location.

Enable/Disable Maintenance Mode

When enabled, this setting puts your website into maintenance mode, displaying a message to visitors that your site is temporarily unavailable. Useful for when you're making major updates or changes.

Show/Hide Guest Order System

This toggle determines whether non-registered visitors can place orders. Disabling it requires all users to create an account before making a purchase.

Disable/Enable User Email Verify

This option lets you choose whether new users need to verify their email address to complete their registration, adding an extra layer of security and verification to user accounts.

Placeholder Image

Upload a default image that will appear in place of any missing images on your site, helping to maintain a clean and professional appearance.

Remember to save your changes after configuring these settings to ensure they take effect immediately.

Last updated