Product Order Management

Managing Orders in Your Shop

The 'Product Order Manage' section is your hub for overseeing all customer orders. This comprehensive tool lets you monitor and update the status of purchases, manage post-order communications, and customize order-related settings.

All Orders

  • Overview: View a list of all orders placed in your shop, including pending, completed, and canceled orders.

  • Actions: Confirm new orders, update shipping status, and manage order details.

Success Order Page

  • Purpose: Customize the page your customers see after successfully placing an order.

  • Configuration: Edit the message or layout to thank customers, provide order summary, or offer next steps like tracking information.

Cancel Order Page

  • Functionality: Manage the interface and process customers experience when an order is canceled.

  • Customization: Tailor the message to provide options for customer support, reordering, or feedback.

Order Settings

  • Adjustments: Set default behaviors for orders, such as automatic order confirmation, inventory deductions, and order lifecycle steps.

  • Notifications: Configure email or SMS notifications for order updates to both customers and store admins.

Invoice Settings

  • Invoice Generation: Determine the layout and information included in the invoices generated for each order.

  • Automation: Automate the sending of invoices upon order completion or payment receipt.

Each of these subsections allows for detailed control and customization, ensuring that your order management process is efficient and aligns with your shop's customer service policies.

Last updated