Country Manage

Customizing Your eStore's Global Reach

The 'Country Manage' section allows you to customize where your products and services are available, which is vital for handling shipping and taxes correctly.

Accessing Country Settings

To manage the countries where your eStore operates:

  1. Log into your dashboard.

  2. Click on 'Country Manage' from the sidebar menu.

Overview of Country List

  • Bulk Action: Apply actions to multiple countries, like activating or deactivating them in your eStore's settings.

  • ID: A unique number assigned to each country for identification.

  • Name: The official name of the country.

  • Status: Shows whether the country is currently enabled (published) or not for shipping and sales.

  • Action: Actions you can take for each country, such as editing the details or changing the status.

Adding or Modifying Countries

  • Add Country: Click the ‘Add Country’ button to include a new country in your eStore's shipping destinations.

    • Enter the country name and set the status to ‘Publish’ to make it active.

  • Edit Country Settings: Adjust the settings for each country, such as shipping rates, taxes, and availability.

    • Click the 'Edit' action (pencil icon) to modify a country’s details.

Managing Shipping and Sales Regions

  • Define the countries you ship to and where your products are available.

  • Update your shipping policies and rates for each country accordingly.

Best Practices for Country Management

  • Keep the list updated based on shipping capabilities and business strategy.

  • Clearly communicate available countries to customers during the checkout process.

  • Regularly review and adjust settings as international shipping policies or your business's scope changes.

By tailoring your eStore's country settings, you ensure a seamless shopping experience for customers, no matter where they are located.

Last updated